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Strange Sex Laws That Still Exist

Strange Sex Laws That Still Exist

If you lived in New York City and were caught with a bunch of condoms you could land in jail because police officers thought you were involved in prostitution.  Luckily they reversed that policy.  We found 10 silly regulations that are rarely enforced but if you have ever done them you sir are a criminal in several states.


Fucking out of wedlock is a misdemeanor in Georgia and Virginia. And be careful in Massachusetts, where the penalty is a $30 fine and 3 months in prison.  How many times have you broke that law?


Yes cheating is wrong but also illegal in these states.  Sleeping with someone other than your wife in Massachusetts could land you locked up for 3 years. In Wisconsin, it’s a Class I Felony whether you’re the cheating husband or the other man and it’s a misdemeanor in Georgia and Virginia.

Dirty Talk

Get caught talking dirty in front of a woman in Michigan and get charged with a misdemeanor.

Anal & Oral

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld your right to engage in all the consensual anal and oral you want. But ancient anti-sodomy laws still exist in a dozen states: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. Many of those states refer to the act as “the abominable and detestable crime against nature” and mention it in the same breath as bestiality. As recently as April of this year, the Louisiana government voted against a bill that would have repealed its 200-year-old ban.

Sex Toys

Some people drive across state lines for sex toys. In Alabama, it’s illegal to sell “any device designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs.” The crazy part this law was passed in 1998.

Living in Sin

No shacking up or as they call it, lewd and lascivious cohabitating allowed in Michigan. You could be imprisoned for a year and fined $1,000.

B.J. With the Blinds Open

Close the curtains when sucking cock in Wisconsin, if not guess where you will be going?

Dirty Doodles

Here’s another one from Wisconsin: “Whoever makes any lewd, obscene or indecent drawing or writing in public or in a public place is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.”


Being married wont save you in Michigan. Law prohibits “open and gross lewdness”.

Gateway Sexual Activities

The Tennessee state legislature may have coined a new term when it banned talking about “gateway sexual activities”—second and third base, we presume—in sex ed in 2012.

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What strange sex laws does your state, city, or country have?  Let us know below.

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