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Health Benefits of Masturbation

Health Benefits of Masturbation

Most of us are uncomfortable when it comes to (no pun intended) masturbating. Yup, you all know what I’m talking about guys; “beat the meat”, “choke the chicken”, “blow your load”? Ladies? Don’t get shy on this one, this includes you too, “brushing the beaver”, “fingerpainting”, “tickling the taco”?

I’m sure anyone reading this blog knows how to masturbate, if you don’t I gotta ask, what rock have you been hiding under?. If you’re in denial, you’re not the only one. The real question for this blog is “what are the benefits” other than climaxing and reaching that blissed-out state of orgasmic pleasure?


Actually, there are a lot of health benefits that comes with masturbating. Masturbating has been around since forever. There’s cave paintings and pottery from Ancient Greece to prove it. But why are we still practicing this form of solo sexual gratification?

If anyone asks, just say “for my health”! Masturbation provides many health benefits:

1. Relieves depression (it’s an insta-mood booster, admit it)
2. Leads to a higher sense of self-esteem (your body is your temple, babes)
3. Balances partner relationship
4. Decreases chance of prostate cancer at 5+ x/week. (flush ‘em out!)
5. Helps you sleep
6. Relives cramps
7. Alleviates urinary tract infections
8. May relieve RLS (restless leg syndrome)
9. Boosts your immunity (yes, actually!)
10. Makes guys harder (this could be labeled as the organic method)
11. Helps guys last longer (you can double your time in a month!)
12. Last but not least, makes sex better! (Bingo!!!)

These are just 12 of the most important health benefits. The list is endless. At one point in time, masturbation was prescribed to women who suffered from “hysteria”.

I hope this blog sheds some light to this little dark secret we all share but may be shy to admit. So like Jerry Seinfeld said, don’t be afraid to be “the master of your domain” or as George Costanza said “Lord of the Manor” and as Elaine Benes said “Queen of the Castle”. Taboo? Touché.

What health benefits do you get from masturbation? Leave a comment and let’s break the taboo!

Masturbate on CAM4 Now 😉

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